What Time of Day Is Best to Work Out?

What Time of Day Is Best to Work Out?

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Science says working out in the morning is best—no, wait, in the evening! If you’re looking for the best time to work out, you’ll find studies to support each of your options. Let’s look at the pros and cons of each choice, so you can decide what is best for your schedule.

Why there isn’t a scientifically “best” time to work out

As with any scientific question, there are many scientific answers. One recent study found that, in a group of Australians with BMIs over 30 (average age 62.2), those who got most of their aerobic exercise in the evening had lower rates of death, cardiovascular disease, and microvascular disease than people who got most of their exercise in the morning or midday. 

That’s not the only study that has ever been done on the subject, of course. Just a few months earlier, another study found that people who exercise in the morning tend to have slightly lower BMIs (25.9 versus 27.2) compared to those who exercise in the evening. 

If you start reading all the studies on exercise timing, you’ll find plenty more seemingly conflicting evidence. One study even broke out its results into groups to say that women got certain benefits from morning exercise, other benefits from evening exercise, and then men got (still different) benefits from evening exercise. Since the study population was just 36 people, I’m going to take those very specific-sounding results with a grain of salt.

Ultimately, the most important thing to know about exercise timing is what the authors of this review on exercise timing wrote in their conclusion: “It is essential to note that exercise at any time of day is of greater benefit than no exercise.” 

The benefits of morning workouts

Morning workouts are the classic sign of a motivated go-getter. The arguments in favor of a morning workout are all about productivity and time management, which are often more important than any biological benefits. 

  • You know you’ll have time to fit it in. If work gets busy, or if you find yourself tired at the end of the day, those issues won’t prevent you from doing your workout—you already got it in.

  • You may get a mood and energy boost for the rest of the day. Experiences vary, but many people find that exercising in the morning helps their mental health throughout the morning or even the whole day. 

  • Outdoor morning exercise can train your circadian clock. If your exercise is outdoors—like going for a jog—that helps you to get sunlight as well. Morning light can help your body’s clock to stay on track, which in turn can help you to feel sleepy at nighttime. 

  • You can have caffeine before your workout. Caffeine-containing preworkout powders (or energy drinks, or coffee) can help you focus better and work harder in the gym. But taking caffeine late in the day can mess with your sleep. So if you’d like to use a strong preworkout, consider doing your workout in the morning.

So if you want to improve your sleep, have more energy in the morning and throughout the day, and use caffeine during your workout, morning exercise might be the best option for you. Mornings are also great for people whose schedules can be unpredictable during the day. But don’t set your alarm early just yet—there are also benefits to evening workouts.

The benefits of evening workouts

Evening workouts make a lot of sense for many of us—including those who (like myself) have a hard time getting moving in the morning. Consider these advantages of evening workouts: 

  • You can’t oversleep and miss your workout. If you’re naturally more of a night owl, this might be a real issue. 

  • You may be able to focus better with your work day behind you. Taking the time for a long workout, or mustering the focus for an intense one, can sometimes be easier when most of the day’s obligations have already been taken care of.

  • You’ll be better fed. It can be a struggle to fuel well before a morning workout. If you work out in the evening, you may need to adjust the exact timing—snack before workout and dinner after, for example—but at least you’ll have something in your belly. 

  • Your performance may be better. Your core temperature tends to be higher in the evening, and some studies show a small performance boost in both strength and oxidative capacity (which relates to your ability to burn fuel for energy). This can mean you’ll more easily see your fitness reflected in how heavy you can lift or how fast you can run. 

So if you have a hard time waking up early, eating for a morning workout, or finding the time and focus to exercise before you start your day, evening workouts may be best for you. 

How to decide

Probably one of these options speaks to you more than the other. It may be as simple as knowing whether you’re more of a morning person or a night owl. Your decision may also be an easy one if your daily schedule only has one good time to work out. Whenever that may be—even if it’s noon or 2 a.m.—the smart schedule is whatever you’ll be able to stick to. After all, if a morning workout is ideal but you never manage to make it happen, there’s no need to feel attached to morning workouts. 

You also don’t have to consider yourself a devotee of either camp. It’s OK to work out Monday and Thursday mornings, and sleep in Tuesdays and Fridays so you can train in the evenings on those days. Or perhaps you change up your schedule with the seasons: sunrise jogs in the summer are great, but a 6 a.m. winter run is no fun with the dark and snow. Choose what makes sense for you. 

by Life Hacker