I Asked ChatGPT to Write 10 Different Marketing Internship Emails — Here’s What I Got

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 10 Different Marketing Internship Emails — Here’s What I Got

I’ve never been more nervous about writing a job application email than when applying for my first marketing internship. I felt like everyone could tell I had no experience and was utterly desperate for that to change. 

The jitters are normal, and I’ll help make it easier today by showing you exactly how to write an internship email.

Landing your dream internship requires a solid first impression, and your internship application email is the place to make this happen.

Download Now: 17 Professional Email Templates

First, we‘ll look at 10 internship email examples from ChatGPT, examining what bopped and flopped. Then, I’ll write an email replying to one of the internship opportunities (and you can steal it as a personal template).

Table of Contents

How to Write an Internship Application Email

Potential employers want to see professional, competent communication skills. Here are some best practices to put those qualities on display in your email outreach.

Customize your email to each company.

No one likes to feel like they aren‘t unique enough to warrant a little time and thought. That’s how receiving a copy/pasted internship inquiry email makes potential employers feel.

You must tailor every email to the specific internship position and company you’re applying to. Every email should contain a few basic customizations:

  1. Company name
  2. Hiring manager’s name (if you have it)
  3. Internship opportunity name
  4. How did you discover the position

Even if you’re applying to similar internship opportunities, make sure that you customize each email sufficiently.

Use a professional email address.

While this may seem trivial, other students vying for the same internship opportunities use professional email addresses. If you slide into someone’s inbox with “snoopy12@gmail.com,” you will be remembered for the wrong reasons.

A professional email address can be your school email account or a variation of yourname@gmail.com.

Avoid cliché or vague language.

Sometimes creativity is an asset, and sometimes it muddies your message.

For example, to ensure that someone opens your email, you could write an attention-grabbing subject line like “You dropped your wallet!” and immediately pivot into “Now that I have your attention…”

Unless your potential employer is Michael Scott at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, funny subject lines won’t leave the right impression. Also, avoid vague, cliché language like “esteemed organization.”

Make it highly relevant.

“It’s important to tailor your resume and email to address the specific needs in the job posting. Consider what skills and/or majors they are looking for and address them right away,” shared Lauren McGoodwin, author of the career book Power Moves and founder and CEO of Career Contessa.

“Follow the job application process and try to find the hiring manager or recruiter to send your resume and email of interest directly to.”

Lauren explained that there are two ways to reach out about an internship:

  1. Warm outreach (responding to a job posting)
  2. Cold outreach (internship request/asking for an internship)

“If you’re pitching yourself for a role, you have to do a bit more work to identify a need the company has and your unique ability to help,” she says.

She explains, “For example, you would love to create Instagram Reels, and the company isn’t currently creating that content. Pitch them on being a social media intern focused on Instagram Reels.”

She also says, “Share why this matters to the company, plus examples of your creative work and details of what you can offer (i.e., number of weeks, paid or unpaid, etc).”

Lauren shared that this is precisely how her company, Career Contessa, hired a social media intern in 2020— a perfect cold pitch with examples of how she could design Instagram infographics for the brand.

Mention previous internship experience.

If you had a previous internship, mention this in your outreach email. Having relevant experience isn‘t required, but it can show that you’ve already been vetted and committed with another organization.

Show potential.

“Prior to sending your internship email, really reflect on your top areas of strength and what successes you’ve had in and out of the classroom that showcases skills that could be used in the internship,” shared Brad W. Minton, certified career counselor and founder of Mint To Be Career.

“Too often, students want to write about themselves and the company but don’t adequately connect the dots between the two. It’s important to discuss your value add and connect that to what you know the role would require.”

Mention mutual contacts (if you have any).

Do you know someone who works for the company already? Casually mention this mutual contact – this can feel like an extension of your research on your company.

Here’s an example of how to mention this in your internship email:

“I’ve been aware of [company name] since my fellow [school name] student Cindy Smith interned with your organization last year. She raved about the workplace culture and the learning experience, so I sought out your internship program.”

Make it grammatically perfect.

Nothing will send your email to the trash faster than a typo. More than 50 percent of resumes contain typos, and that‘s a document that’s given a much heavier editing eye than a standard email.

“Proofread the email to ensure it is free from grammatical errors, which can undermine your credibility and attention to detail,” shared LinkedIn and CV expert Winston Macharia.

“Read the email aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or wordy sentences that could distract the reader,” Macharia says. Pretend you are the hiring manager and view your email through their eyes – would you be compelled to offer an interview? If not, put on your editor’s hat and trim and tighten your content.”

Use tools like Grammarly to catch mistakes as you write:

Image Source

“Grab a second set of eyes, perhaps a career counselor or trusted friend. Having a proofreader spot-check your email can reveal lapses you may be too close to the content to catch yourself,” Winston added.

10 Internship Email Examples From ChatGPT

I found 10 marketing internship opportunities on LinkedIn, and I will use ChatGPT to write an internship email for each position. Here‘s the internship email prompt that I’m using:

You are a college student seeking a marketing internship to supplement your education with real-world experience. Write an internship application email replying to the following marketing internship position you found on LinkedIn. U

se professional language and show your keen interest in the position and company. Limit the email to about 150 words. [copy/paste information from job listing]

How well can ChatGPT write an internship email? Let‘s look at what worked, what didn’t, and how these can be improved to be worthy of hitting send.

Note: ChatGPT initially wrote over 150 words for these emails. For every example, I re-prompted ChatGPT to shorten the email.

Jump ahead:

1. Digital Marketing Study and Internship

See the position on LinkedIn.


What worked: Reiterating points of the job description and aligning them with career goals.

What didn’t: Too many points start with “I am.” At a glance, it looks like this email is more about the interns’ needs than the internship position itself.

I’d improve the skills more specifically in how they relate to this position.

2. Marketing Intern (Summer 2024)

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatGPT two

What worked: Reiterating the internship qualifications and showing that you’ve thoroughly reviewed and met the position requirements.

What didn’t: It didn‘t convert the intern’s skills to this position in a specific or impactful way.

What I’d improve: This email mentions content creation and social media – a broad term. I would dive into the specifics of platforms, types of content, etc., to bring this to life.

3. Marketing Intern (Regional)

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatGPT three

What worked: This email expresses genuine interest in the learning opportunity and relates it to the intern’s career goals.

What didn’t: Some words stand out as being over the top; for example, it‘s not natural to say you’re “captivated” by the company’s approach. It feels cheesy.

What I’d improve: I would add a sentence or two about the day-to-day responsibilities of this role to make it less generic and translate your enthusiasm to the specifics of this role.

4. Digital Marketing Intern

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatGPT four

What worked: This internship email reiterates points about the company and the role naturally, making it clear that this isn‘t a generic email you’re sending to everyone.

What didn’t: The first paragraph must address the company‘s needs and how you’d like to contribute to its overall goals.

What I’d improve: This internship position is in the music industry; instead of telling them you’re passionate about music, include nods to favorite artists or trends to show industry understanding.

5. Content Marketing Intern (Remote)

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatGPT five

What worked: The intern was highly interested in the position, and understanding the roles and responsibilities was clear.

What didn’t: The company isn’t centered enough in this email. Specifically, the second paragraph is all about the intern, when it needs to be all about how the organization can benefit from this intern.

What I’d improve: Reframe this application to the organization’s specific goals, your experience, and how you can help contribute to those goals.

6. Social Media Intern (Steelers)

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatgpt six

What worked: The experience referenced here is thorough and speaks well to the internship position, even though the position was extensive.

What didn’t: Too many sentences start with “I,” and enthusiasm (or even a basic understanding of football) doesn’t come through in this email.

What I’d improve: Don‘t just say that you’re sincerely interested in this football position; show it with specific references to the NFL and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

This is the perfect place to mention a hobby, personal blog, or extracurricular activities related to this organization’s audience.

7. Marketing Intern (Cognizant)

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatGPT 7

What worked: This internship position listed particular requirements, and this email shows that you read these thoroughly and are qualified.

The second paragraph also speaks directly to the company’s markets and makes this email feel well-researched.

What didn’t: The second sentence in the first paragraph is confusing – the introduction doesn‘t have anything to do with the second half of the sentence.

“As a dedicated college student…” and “Cognizant’s commitment inspires me…” aren’t related and can give the impression of poor writing skills.

What I’d improve: Make sure that no part of your email is filled with fluff, clichés, or empty platitudes. Pull the sentiments about being a dedicated student and the company’s mission into two unique sentences and complete the thoughts.

8. Social Media Intern (IIN)

See the position on LinkedIn.


What worked: Social media marketing is a role with a lot of independent work, and the final paragraph of this email leaves the impression of a very confident and keen student who’s excited to dive in and deliver.

What didn’t: The phrases “social video content” and “aesthetic imagery” are vague and leave the reader with many follow-up questions.

What I’d improve: I would get particular with your examples when you’re referencing your experience and include links to your portfolio with examples of your work so that your skills can be demonstrated.

9. Marketing Intern (HireIO)

See the position on LinkedIn.


What worked: Creativity is an essential marketing skill, so mentioning soft skills such as a “creative mindset” is a positive signal for the marketing manager.

What didn’t: This email communicates apparent enthusiasm for the role‘s responsibilities, but it sounds like it’s just listing the entire job description.

What I’d improve: It‘s good to mention the broad responsibilities of the role but get specific about what you’re genuinely most interested in to make it feel more authentic and action-oriented.

What project would you pick first if you were to start working there today?

10. Marketing Client Services Intern (Summer 2024)

See the position on LinkedIn.


What worked: The specific details about the company, clients, and internship role make this email feel thoroughly researched.

What didn’t: This email references why the intern would be excited to work with big brands, but it should also express why brands would be excited to work with the intern.

Interns are typically young and from a different generation than most of the workforce, and that’s an asset to the marketing team.

What I’d improve: Youth can be indirectly leveraged with nods to understanding social media platforms and trends that the rest of the marketing team might not be in touch with. Point out opportunities that you see that others may not.

Writing My Internship Application Email

Here’s how these tips look in action. See below for a checklist to use when you write.

Important reminder: if you’re applying for a specific internship position listed online, follow the application process strictly. Failure to attach your internship resume, cover letter, or share essential details will be costly.

Subject line: Marketing Internship Application

Email body: Hello Nadine,

My name is Kayla Schilthuis-Ihrig.

I’m a public relations major at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and like to apply for the marketing internship position at Awesome Marketing Agency.

Your organization is known for its creative ad campaigns, memorable content marketing, and quality workplace culture, so I am interested in your internship position.

Your last holiday TikTok campaign was so engaging that we analyzed it in one of my classes.

As a final-year public relations student, I’ve been closely studying the digital media landscape and developing content creation skills.

Some of my previous projects have included developing public awareness campaigns for a similar company. An example of that campaign is linked below:

  • Portfolio of work [hyperlinked]

Inside that Google Drive folder, you’ll also find my resume and cover letter.

While my professional hands-on experience is limited, I‘ve worked extensively on projects overseen by professors and have references that speak to the valuable contribution I can make to your organization.

After three years of developing skills and gathering academic knowledge, I’m incredibly enthusiastic to learn on my feet, create content, monitor the success of projects, and continually improve to see campaigns reach their potential.

I would be honored to be considered for the opportunity to work with Awesome Marketing Agency.

Are you still vetting candidates for your marketing internship?

I’m reachable anytime by email (myemail@gmail.com) and phone (123-456-7890).

Thank you, Nadine!

Best regards,


Email footer: Kayla Schilthuis-Ihrig
Journalism major
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Let’s connect on LinkedIn

Internship Email Template

Ready to write your email? Use this as your internship email template:

  1. Subject line: Quickly identify your email as an application and state which position it’s for.
  2. Recipient’s name: Personalize all internship emails with a specific person’s name if you have it, this sounds better than “dear hiring manager.”
  3. Company name: Always mention the company‘s name right away to show that this isn’t a duplicate copy-paste email that you send to everyone.
  4. Who you are: Your name, what you’re studying and where.
  5. Intention: Why are you emailing them? People‘s inboxes are overflowing with messages; don’t beat around the bush.
  6. Differentiators: What do you like about the company? Be specific: creativity, reputation for excellence, workplace culture, etc.
  7. Specifics: Reference to the specific internship position and why you think it would be a good fit with your specific skills.
  8. Your potential: What value will you add to their organization? Mention your relevant skills and experiences and how they can benefit.
  9. Question: Ask a question to prompt a response from them.
  10. Pleasantries: While many people include pleasantries at the beginning of their email, you can start your email directly and include these at the end.
  11. Contact details: Include your email address and phone number to make follow-up contact easy.
  12. Professional footer: Add your full name, school, major and LinkedIn profile to your email footer to have a polished, professional look.

How long should an internship email be? There‘s no hard word count limit for your internship email, but effective, succinct communication shows good soft skill skills and respect for the recipient’s time.

6 Other Internship Emails To Send

From writing an internship follow-up email to an internship request, there are multiple other types of internship emails that you might need to write during the hiring process.

Use these tips to help you communicate effectively while writing all of your internship emails.

Jump ahead:

1. Internship Request Email

The ChatGPT internship email examples above were all written in response to a job listing, but what about when you want to cold pitch yourself to intern with an organization? Here’s how to cold email for an internship opportunity:

  • Define the internship role that you’d like (ex: content marketing intern).
  • Set basic parameters, like how many hours a week you’re available.
  • List some specifics of the job description that you’d like to deliver and your relevant skills.
  • Offer examples of your work.

As you’re writing your internship request email, remember to make it about them and not about you. An internship is a job, and organizations need to understand how they’ll benefit from hiring you.

2. No Response Follow-Up Email

If you don’t get a response to your internship application, send a follow-up internship email after about a week.

Don‘t worry – you’re not bothering people when you follow up. Most companies get a lot of internship applications for each role, and your follow-up emails express continued interest.

Be very polite and keep your message short. In your follow-up email, you can:

  • Inquire if they still have available internship positions.
  • Ask if there’s someone better to speak to about the internship.
  • Inquire if there’s a better contact method, like a phone call.

Make sure that you reply to your previous email instead of sending a new one so that the recipient has all of the information about your inquiry without having to dig through their inbox.

3. Interview Confirmation Email

The moment has come, you’ve been invited to interview for an internship opportunity! Once they provide the details of your interview, send a brief follow-up email that checks these boxes:

  • Thank them for the opportunity.
  • Repeat the time and place (“I look forward to speaking Friday, March 3rd at 1 p.m. at your downtown office”).
  • Let them know what you‘ll bring (portfolio, references, etc.) and request that they let you know if there’s anything additional that you can provide.

This is a step that a lot of interns will skip, and it shows great communication skills to send a follow-up email.

4. Interview Opportunity Thank-You Email

It’s important to send a thank-you email after every interview that you have in your career.

You can write a foundation of this email before your internship interview, but be sure to mention specifics from your conversation to show good listening skills.

Easy tip: Send this email from your car or the bus immediately after you leave your interview. Sending a detailed thank-you email so quickly will offer a very positive impression of your organization skills!

5. Internship Offer Response

When you get the lucky email that you‘ve been offered an internship position, it’s time to write a professional confirmation email. In this email, you should:

  • Express your gratitude and enthusiasm.
  • Accept the position.
  • Confirm any requests that they had. For example, if they asked you to fill out your tax paperwork within a week, confirm that you will do so by the deadline.
  • Ask any questions that you have.

6. Internship Opportunity Thank-You Email

You should send a thank-you email to every single person that you got to know during your internship. The emails will fall into one of three categories:

  1. “Let’s keep in touch.” Send this email to everyone that you worked with and follow up by connecting with them on LinkedIn.
  2. “I may reach out in the future.” Anyone at your internship who tells you “If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out!” should be sent a special thank-you email. Let them know that you appreciate them telling you this, and you may reach out in the future to take them up on this offer.
  3. “Can you recommend me on LinkedIn?” Anyone who you directly reported to is a great person to recommend you on LinkedIn.

Email #2 is exactly how I landed my corporate job when I was 23.

I started a spreadsheet where I recorded everyone who made me a blanket “let me know if you ever need anything!” offer, along with their contact information and a few details about our work together.

One man named Bob made this offer to me, and two years after our work together, I saw that his company was hiring new marketing staff. I reached out to him and asked if he had any insights on applying to the company.

He replied, “I’ve just called the hiring manager and told her to make sure she offers you an interview.”

After two interviews I was offered the job, and my manager said that she only offered me an interview because of this email from Bob. Never pass up someone’s offer to keep in touch and lend a helping hand.

Conclusion: Sending Your Application

Whether you‘re applying for available internship positions or you’re drafting an internship request, ChatGPT can make your job easier.

… but it can’t automate the WHOLE email writing process.

Don’t leave your internship inquiry entirely email up to AI. Let ChatGPT reiterate the needs of the role and company, and then bring it to life with specifics about your skills, experience, and passion. Who knows where it will take you.

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