Which AI Tool Writes the Best Marketing Copy? [I Tested Several Different Tools]

Which AI Tool Writes the Best Marketing Copy? [I Tested Several Different Tools]

As a marketing copywriter, I can tell you writing is critical to any successful marketing campaign, from emails to social media posts to blogs.

Computer screen shows a hand with a pencil; AI Copywriting tools

Even the most seasoned writer can struggle to keep up with demand, so its crucial to take advantage of the best AI copywriting tools available to streamline your process and boost your productivity.

But what tool is best for you and the content you need to create?

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I tested several AI copywriting platforms to find which tools write the best marketing copy. By the end of this blog post, you’ll have a better idea of what tools you should try to help you produce quality content faster.

What is AI Copywriting?

Blog Introductions

HubSpot’s AI Content Writer



Blog Ideas Generator

Social Media Copy



Email Copy



Choosing the AI Tool for You

What is AI copywriting?

AI copywriting combines natural language processing with machine learning to generate copy for social media, blogs, websites, landing pages, scripts, and more.

Though AI generates the copy, the intention is for it to sound like a human wrote it. Furthermore, AI-generated copy is crafted quickly, helping marketers meet deadlines and allot more time toward other responsibilities.

How do AI copywriting tools work?

Most AI copywriting tools work by quickly assembling data on the requested topic and crafting copy based on the information and parameters set by the user. 

For example, you’ll see later in this blog post that I entered a prompt into each tool detailing the topic of the copy I wanted them to generate (influencer marketing strategies) and how I wanted the content to look (a blog post about 10 influencer marketing strategies).

Those were my parameters but many tools allow you to clarify the tone of voice, word count, and more. 

How to Use AI for Copywriting 

Most marketing copywriters like myself use AI to generate ideas, outlines, or marketing copy (to an extent, but I’ll get to that in a moment). For example, let’s say you’re struggling to come up with an idea surrounding a specific topic. 

You can ask AI Copywriting tools like HubSpot’s AI Content Writer or ChatGPT to generate topics for you by saying:

“Generate (number) blog post ideas about (topic).”

If you have an idea but you need an outline before you can start writing, you can submit a prompt saying:

“Generate an outline about (topic). Include the subheading (enter subheadings).”

And while it is possible to prompt AI to generate copy, such as blog posts, for you—you should do so with caution.

AI is helpful, but it’s far from perfect. If you solely rely on AI to generate content for social media or your website, you run the risk of your copy coming across as bland or robotic. 

So, if you’re going to use AI to write a complete piece of copy for your website, blog, or social media, make sure to give the copy a close look and a bit of a human touch to make it sound personable, relatable, and genuine.

8 Best AI Copywriting Tools

Blog Introductions

My three contenders for the best AI tool for blog writing are HubSpot’s AI content writer, ChatGPT, and Scalenut. To compare each device, I typed the following prompt into each system and evaluated the introductions in the results:

“Generate a blog post listing 10 strategies for influencer marketing.”

Pro Tip: Remember that Google has a specific framework used to assess the quality of website content and that the higher the quality, the higher the rank, and the more success your content is likely to see. 

That framework is EEAT, which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. To ensure your blog content is aligned with EEAT while still using AI copywriting tools to streamline your process, you must add human touch.

That means using the generated copy as a baseline for you work rather than the final draft.

If necessary, tweak the copy to bring it closer to a relatable human tone and enrich it but adding your own perspective and opinions, things that can only come from humans and not AI. 

1. HubSpot’s AI content writer

Our free AI content writer can generate copy for blogs, websites, social media posts, and more. All users need to do is type in a topic or prompt and let the AI content writer do the rest.

Using the tool is simple. Just log into the HubSpot CRM and click the “Generate blog post” button near the top right corner.

HubSpot's AI Content Writer; AI copywriting tools

Next, type in the prompt, choose the correct country, and select the blog to host your post. Then click “Next.”

HubSpot's AI Content Writer; AI copywriting tools

From there, the AI generates several headlines to choose from. Even better, it shows how difficult it to to rank for the headline and keyword.

HubSpot's AI Content Writer; AI copywriting tools

Below is an excerpt of what the tool generated after I selected the headline I wanted.

HubSpot's AI Content Writer; AI copywriting tools

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What We Like: Overall, the tool is user-friendly, quick, and helpful. My only critique is that I’d more likely use the opening sentences as metadata and rework the first three paragraphs after the subheading to craft an introduction.

2. ChatGPT

This isn’t my first time using ChatGPT to write blog content. While it’s not my go-to choice, it’s an excellent tool for outlining a blog post or starting a draft.

After I submitted the prompt, ChatGPT generated a headline similar to the one I chose in the HubSpot example, and it developed an intro paragraph closer to how I’d write it myself.

ChatGPTs draft reads

I would have liked ChatGPT to generate multiple headline suggestions, but I would need to enter a different prompt for that to happen.

Additionally, while the opening paragraph was straightforward and to the point, it lacked detail or an exciting hook.

Pro-Tip: When using ChatGPT, be as specific as you can in your prompt or be ready to submit multiple prompts until you get the kind of content you’re looking for. 

3. Scalenut

Scalenut helps users brainstorm, write, edit, and publish SEO-optimized content. Unlike other generators, I must submit the keywords for the AI’s Article Writer before entering the prompt. 

Scalenut; AI Copywriting tools

Once the keywords, prompt, and tone are specified, Scalenut generates several headlines to choose from. I decided on the first headline, “Ten Winning Strategies for Influencer Marketing.”

Scalenut generated the following outline with optimized subheadings.

Scalenut; AI Copywriting tools

From there, I clicked “Generate Writing Points” and was shown the points Scalenut planned to include in its draft. I could delete the points I wanted to exclude and write in new topics.

Finally, I clicked “Generate Content,” Scalenut responded with the following blog draft, which included a meta title, description, and permalink.

Scalenut's draft reads

Scalenut’s approach to AI copywriting is a very collaborative process, which is excellent for a writer like myself. I see AI as an assistive tool rather than something that can completely take over the task of writing.

There are some tweaks I would make to the final draft. For example, “influencer marketing” should be lowercase since it’s not a proper noun. However, Scalenut provided a strong foundation for AI copy, and I see a tool like this saving time for writers.

4. HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator

HubSpot’s AI topic generator instantly gives many actionable blog post name ideas, but there is more to it.


Keyword research, AI-generated outlines, and even entire blog posts created and ready to be published in HubSpot CMS. And all this based on the title you chose.


All you need to do is writing what your blog post is about then select the different suggestions from the tool, step after step. Real blog magic.

So, which of the above tools writes the best marketing copy for blog posts? It‘s a tie between HubSpot’s AI Content Writer and Scalenut.

Both tools include features that optimize your content SEO, which is key to crafting blog posts to rank in SERPs and generate leads.

Social Media Copy

Let’s compare AI tools from SocialBee and Anyword to see which is best for developing social media copy.

Pro Tip: Take advantage of the following tools’ abilities to create copy for specific social media platforms. These tools often take the guesswork out of figuring out what format works for what channel.

Just make sure to understand your audience on each platform so that you can tailor the generated copy to their preferences. 

1. SocialBee

SocialBee is both a social media scheduling tool and an AI post generator, so once you create your social media content, you can easily schedule your creation to your platform.

In this case, SocialBee is connected to one of my Instagram accounts.

SocialBee; AI copywriting tools

After choosing to use SocialBee’s social media copilot, I answered a few questions regarding the name of my business, who I was generating content for, my role, target audience, branding, and more.

In this example, I am a social media manager for a bakery in Philadelphia that serves freshly baked goods to locals wanting a cozy, family-friendly atmosphere.

From there, SocialBee suggests the platforms I should use in my campaign, the kind of content I should post, and when.

SocialBee; AI Copywriting tools

Finally, I click “Generate Post,” SocialBee provides several social media copy drafts and the option to post them according to its suggested plan.

One post reads:

“Remember when we used to make these delicious apple turnovers? They were always a crowd favorite! #ThrowbackThursday #PhillyBakeryHistory.”

In the notes tab, SocialBee points out the types of images I should use to complement the copy.

SocialBee; AI Copywriting tools

What We Like: Planning, drafting, and scheduling a social media campaign can take hours, sometimes days, but with SocialBee, I got everything done in just 10 minutes. I also love that it provides a variety of copy for different social posts.

2. Anyword

Anyword is a free AI copy generator that is pretty simple. All I needed to do was select the social media platform I wanted to post to and then explain the post in just a few words.

For this test, I‘m sticking to the Philly Bakery example and asking Anyword to generate copy for an Instagram post enticing customers to visit my fictitious Philadelphia-based bakery. Here’s the result.

Copy reads

As you can see, Anyword is a lot less comprehensive than SocialBee and doesn’t provide as many suggestions.

However, it provides engagement predictions, a scale for tone of voice, and a graph predicting the demographic the caption would appeal to the most.

Best For: I can see myself using a tool like Anyword when I’m at a loss for what to post, and I need a quick copy as soon as possible.

With that in mind, I will crown SocialBee as the best AI tool for generating marketing copy for social media. SocialBee streamlines the entire campaign ideation process, from planning to drafting to scheduling, in just minutes.

Email Copy

We‘re comparing Copy.AI and Hypotenuse.AI to see which generates the best email marketing copy. My prompt is: “Generate a marketing email to customers excited about my business’ Fall clothing sale.”

Pro Tip: Before fulling committing to automating your email copy with AI, leverage A/B testing to see how your audience responds to AI-generated content vs. human-generated content.

1. Copy.AI

Copy.AI works similarly to ChatGPT, which makes sense, considering it‘s built on top of OpenAI’s GPT-3’s large language model.

While ChatGPT is a general service that answers various queries, Copy.AI is designed to streamline the copywriting process.

So, how does it fare with emails? Let‘s look at an excerpt of Copy.AI’s response to my prompt.

Copy.AI's draft reads,

What We Like: The email subject is catchy and clever while creating a sense of urgency. The opening sentence captures the essence of Fall attire with phrases like “crisp autumn air” and “cozy.”

However, the entire email is about 430 words; it’s best practice for marketing emails to be between 50 and 125.

2. Hypotenuse AI

Hypotenuse.AI provides various templates for different types of content, including emails. The copywriting tool also allows users to describe the purpose of the email, keywords to optimize for, tone, and more.

This is what Hypotenuse.AI came up with.

Draft reads

What We Like: I’m much happier with the length of the email, which is less than 120 words. I also love the call-to-action at the end for being short and to the point and encouraging readers to act now.

After all, a little FOMO never hurt anyone.

The email doesn’t have as many fluff words as the draft from Copy.AI, but overall the draft provides a great base to build upon and tweak to my liking.

Between Copy.AI and Hypotenuse.AI, I would choose the latter to craft my marketing emails. Hypotenuse.AI provides more email customization options and opportunities to optimize for SEO and target audiences.

Choosing the AI Tool for You

Many AI tools are available to help marketers craft compelling, interesting content quickly and efficiently, you just need to know the kind of assistance you need and be willing to test different tools.

What other AI tools do you think marketers should try out? Which of the tools above are you most interested in using?

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