6 ways to automate beehiiv

6 ways to automate beehiiv

Once upon a time, assembling an email newsletter was like building a jigsaw puzzle. Fortunately, Beehiiv is different. Despite the complicated spelling, it’s a simpler alternative for anyone who wants to launch an email newsletter with robust audience growth features. 

With a free account that grants you access to features up to 2,500 subscribers—not to mention a pretty handy suite of design features to brand your newsletter—its no-code email distribution and marketing features help you grow your own “hive” of loyal newsletter subscribers. 

The only hiccup? Maybe you’re already using some marketing platforms outside of beehiiv and aren’t sure how to integrate them into your newsletter. If you want to use beehiiv’s features while sustaining the growth you’re getting from marketing tools like online web forms, you’ll need to connect these apps. That’s where Zapier can help.

New to Zapier? It’s workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with 6,000+ apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free to use this app, and thousands more, with Zapier.

Table of contents

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Add new beehiiv subscribers from forms

To be sure, beehiiv does have some handy marketing features native to its platform. You can run surveys of your newsletter audience to find out how to give the people what they want. Or you can run subscriber reports to see what kinds of content your audience is most connecting with. But if you need to reach out and grab some subscribers from another part of the Internet, you might want to think about third-party web forms.

Tools like Webflow and Squarespace are great for building your online presence. You can create a beautiful website and direct potential leads to your newsletter via a web form. But if you’re using beehiiv’s free plan, you can’t use their API keys to connect your forms to your beehiiv account. 

Fortunately, you can use Zapier’s automated workflows to do just that. Use one of these Zaps to get started.

Bring in leads from marketing and lead apps

Most successful marketers use some sort of ad platform to generate leads for their business. And for good reason. These robust platforms meet users where they are and create a frictionless entryway into your product.

But while those platforms are great for generating leads, you likely use another tool like beehiiv to keep those leads warm. Seamlessly connect the two with a Zap.

Create subscribers from every new sale

You might want to save customer sales as new subscribers for a few reasons. Maybe the thing they’re buying is the subscription, and you’re using beehiiv to distribute eBooks and other info products. 

Or maybe you simply want a list of customers handy. If someone has already bought from you, it means they trust you. Whether you’re a creator or representing a larger brand, there’s simply no putting a price tag on that kind of customer sentiment. And by connecting your sales in your eCommerce tool to your beehiiv newsletter community, you’re building a list of people who already know you, like you, and trust you. It’s how modern marketing is done. You just need a Zap to connect points A and B.

Import subscribers from your CRM or mailing list

Already have a lot of subscribers who follow your brand’s every move? It’s a high-quality problem. But it can throw a wrench into the backend when those subscribers are in another tool, and you want to move them to your new beehiiv community. 

Or maybe your sales team already collects interested leads in your CRM tool, but your marketing team wants to reach out with beehiiv.

Fortunately, there’s an easy fix here. Just use automation to automatically add new subscribers to beehiiv each time they enter your CRM or other marketing. That way, each of your lists stays up to date with no extra effort.

Connect spreadsheets for easy subscriber updates

Migrating your existing customer base to beehiiv? It shouldn’t feel like data entry. Imagine having a list of subscribers in a text file and uploading them one by one until thousands of your community members are connected. It’s a gargantuan, Sisphyean task no one would wish on their worst enemies.

So bypass it altogether. If you can get your existing subscribers to an Airtable record or a Google Sheet (and we have Zaps for that, too), you can let Zapier handle the importing. For example, any New Record in Airtable can connect to beehiiv to create a new subscriber. All you have to do is find the right connections—and let automation do the rest.

Fill in any gaps with webhooks

Zapier connects with thousands of apps—and those integrations all have a variety of different ways they can work with your favorite apps. But sometimes you just can’t find the integration you need or the trigger or action that works for your marketing workflows.

That’s where webhooks come in. With Zapier’s built-in webhooks tool, you can send information to and from your apps, even if they don’t have a Zapier integration.

Use this Zap to get started:

Grow your hiiv with your favorite tools

Connecting your business-critical tools to beehiiv is the easiest way to quickly scale your marketing efforts. From automatically adding subscribers from forms to connecting your ad platform to your newsletter, automation allows you to keep all of your tools up to date, even with a small team.

And this is just the start of what you can do with beehiiv and Zapier. What will you automate first?

by Zapier