6 tl;dv features to maximize your meeting efficiency

6 tl;dv features to maximize your meeting efficiency

When your week is regularly filled with back-to-back meetings, it’s easy to lose track of who said what and when. You could jot down notes to help you keep track—but if your penmanship is anything less than textbook, good luck making sense of those notes afterward. 

When I discovered tl;dv—an AI meeting assistant that handles everything from transcribing audio to generating meeting insights—it quickly became my go-to solution for managing meeting chaos. Here are six tl;dv features to help you maximize your meeting efficiency.

Table of contents

1. Ask tl;dv for answers

Ever find yourself stuck trying to recall a specific detail from a meeting, so you snap your fingers in the air while saying, “It’s…it’s…” thinking that the snaps will miraculously bring the detail to the front of your brain? You could keep snapping and praying for a miracle. Or you can ask tl;dv. 

  1. Open a meeting report. 

  2. Enter your query into the search bar above your meeting notes. 

  3. Click Ask tl;dv AI

AI search bar in a tldv meeting report.

tl;dv will instantly generate an AI report with answers to your search query, along with relevant timestamps. 

Example of an AI report generated by tldv.

You can also have tl;dv run your search across multiple meetings. 

  1. Click Meetings & Folders in the side panel. 

  2. Select the meetings you want tl;dv to scan. 

  3. Enter your query into the message bar of the AI generator panel. 

  4. Click Generate

    AI meetings page with the AI generator visible on the side.

2. Get weekly meeting summaries with AI reports

In any given week, my calendar is filled with meetings. To help me keep track of the important stuff, like action items and key insights, I use tl;dv to automatically send me weekly summaries of all my meetings. 

  1. Click AI reports in the side panel. 

  2. Click Create recurring report

  3. Fill in the details of your Recurring report template, including what you want tl;dv to report on.

    Recurring report template in tldv.
  4. Click Save recurring report

If you no longer want to receive some of your AI reports, you can turn them off. 

  1. Click AI reports in the side panel. 

  2. Find the report you want to stop receiving, and click the toggle next to it. (The toggle should now read Off.)  

    List of recurring AI reports in tldv.

3. Timestamp important moments 

One of my favorite tl;dv features is that it lets you add your own timestamps as your meeting is running, so you can quickly flag key moments that you’ll want to revisit later—for example, quote-worthy customer feedback and action items. 

You can also tag your teammates in these timestamps, making it easy to ask for their input or loop them in on specific parts of the conversation. 

List of meeting timestamps in a meeting recorded with tldv.

4. Clip and highlight soundbites

Instead of sharing entire meeting recordings, tl;dv also lets you share specific clips. This is particularly helpful if you want to make sure everyone’s on the same page without having to sit through lengthy meeting replays. 

  1. Open the transcript of the meeting you want to share. 

  2. Highlight the section of your transcript that you want to clip. 

  3. Click Create a clip

    Partial view of a meeting transcript in tldv with the option to create a clip highlighted.
  4. You can then download the clip or copy the link and share it as you normally would. 

    Preview of meeting clips in tldv with an expanded view of the dropdown, which includes an option to download the clip.

5. Stitch clips together into one seamless reel

Let’s say you want to share a bunch of meeting clips. Instead of spamming your team chat app with multiple links, tl;dv lets you stitch your clips together into one seamless video. This is also a low-lift way to turn interviews or webinars into social-worthy reels. 

  1. Click Clips & Reels in the side panel. 

  2. Click Reels

  3. Select the clips you want to stitch together (you need to select at least two). 

  4. Tl;dv will generate a preview of your reel, which you can further edit by adding more clips or rearranging the clip order. 

  5. Download the clip or copy the link and share it as you normally would. 

    Tldv reel editor.

6. Integrate tl;dv with the rest of your tech stack

Chances are, tl;dv isn’t the only app in your tech stack. With tl;dv’s Zapier integration, you can connect it with thousands of apps, making it easy to automate your meeting-related workflows. For example, you can automatically upload new Zoom recordings to tl;dv or populate tl;dv transcripts in Notion. Learn more about how to automate tl;dv with Zapier, or get started with one of these premade templates.

Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with 6,000+ apps from partners like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Use interfaces, data tables, and logic to build secure, automated systems for your business-critical workflows across your organization’s technology stack. Learn more.

Make the most of your meetings 

While we’d all prefer not to have our weeks dominated by meetings—especially when many of them probably could have been an email—you’re bound to be pulled into a few no matter what. If meeting-related tasks are eating up the valuable hours you have left after your meetings are over, give tl;dv a shot. At a minimum, there’s a free forever plan, which includes limited access to many of the AI features above, so you have nothing to lose. 

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by Zapier