Automation for RevOps teams | Zapier

Automation for RevOps teams | Zapier

Today’s customers expect a lot. They crave seamless, personalized experiences—and their loyalty hinges on how well companies can deliver on this expectation. For businesses, this means finding long-term, sustainable ways to elevate their customer experience. 

Enter Revenue Operations (RevOps), a strategic approach that brings together sales, marketing, and customer success to create a unified go-to-market strategy. 

But what’s the secret behind a successful RevOps program? They use the right tools to maximize efficiency so they can keep the focus on their customers. Here are four ways RevOps teams can use automation to help businesses accelerate growth without sacrificing customized outreach. 

Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with 6,000+ apps from partners like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Use interfaces, data tables, and logic to build secure, automated systems for your business-critical workflows across your organization’s technology stack. Learn more.

Table of contents 

  1. Act on customer activity across any app

  2. Boost alignment across go-to-market teams 

  3. Increase sales productivity

  4. Create seamless data and system management

Act on customer activity across any app

RevOps ensures up-to-date information for teams to act on customer activity across any app. But to do that effectively, you need the right tools. Enter Zapier: workflow automation software that combines user interfaces, data tables, and AI so you can automate work across your entire tech stack. 

With Zapier, a RevOps team can pull context from every sales call, email, and support ticket into the right spot to ensure all customer information is collected seamlessly. That way, teams see the whole customer, not just parts. You can also build real-time alerts for high-value customer activities—like sending a Slack notification when you get a new lead. This gives your team the correct information at the right time, allowing you to move faster to close deals.

Plus, with Zapier, you can use AI to fill in information gaps or share relevant customer summaries. For example, your sales reps can use Zapier and AI to send summaries of client profiles right before a call to the app of their choice. Now, they have what they need to move deals forward at their fingertips. 

By harnessing the power of AI, RevOps teams can streamline work even more. Thanks to accessible and comprehensive data, everyone can focus on delivering exceptional, bespoke customer interactions.

Boost alignment across go-to-market teams 

RevOps plays a crucial role in breaking down the silos that exist between different teams. By aligning sales, marketing, and customer success teams, you’ll more effectively turn leads into paying customers. 

Here are a few of the examples of the Zaps—Zapier’s automated workflows—you can build to boost collaboration across teams: 

  1. Use Zapier to seamlessly hand off leads between teams and apps based on specific user touch points. For example, when a customer makes a purchase, automatically update their customer profile in your CRM. By automating data updates your team and customers get a seamless experience. No one has to repeat information or receive incorrect marketing materials.

  2. Create Zaps that send notifications to the right team member. For example, when you get a customer support ticket, send a Slack message to the relevant teams (like customer support and sales). The quicker you address problems, the quicker users can get back to seeing the value of your product.

  3. Use automation to manage tasks. Want to make sure your team’s to-dos aren’t lost? Automatically create a new task in your project management tool for the right team. That way, you’ll never let your leads grow cold.

With all teams working from the same data, the customer experience becomes more cohesive and seamless. It ensures a consistent and impactful customer journey from the first point of contact to the final sale and post-sale experience. 

Increase sales productivity

With a RevOps approach, you can minimize time spent on non-selling tasks and maximize time spent engaging with leads. Zapier enables your RevOps team to automate tasks like: 

  • Instantly notify the right people of new customer interactions, enabling timely follow-ups.

  • Automatically drafting quotes for customers, speeding up your sales pipeline timeline.

  • Streamlining lead qualification by automatically scoring and routing leads based on predefined criteria.

  • Automatically creating personalized email campaigns based on customer behavior.

Automating work across your sales pipeline leads to better productivity and more closed deals. Your teams can react swiftly, anticipating customer needs before the customer even knows what their next question is. 

Create seamless data and system management 

Consistent data collection is essential for accurately tracking the success of your go-to-market efforts. When you have messy data, you can’t act on it. 

RevOps ensures that data—the backbone of all successful sales, marketing, and support teams—remains clean and usable. Seamless data management means your information can be trusted, and your team can confidently rely on it for strategic decision-making.

Zapier plays a crucial role in automating data hygiene processes. You can automate the creation of personalized campaigns by integrating customer data from different platforms into your data consolidation tool. 

You can also use Zapier to: 

  • Automatically synchronize contact information across all your apps, ensuring consistency and accuracy in customer records.

  • Update inventory levels across multiple platforms in real time, preventing overselling or stockouts.

  • Integrate feedback from customer support interactions into your CRM system, enriching customer profiles with valuable insights.

  • Instantly feed your ad tools with new customer data from your lead management apps. 

  • Generate reports that provide a comprehensive view of sales, marketing, and support metrics all in one place.

  • Sync billing information between your CRM and accounting software to ensure accurate invoicing and financial reporting.

Build a custom, connected GTM machine

By leveraging tools like Zapier, a RevOps team can create a seamless go-to-market strategy that keeps all the right teams in the loop. Companies can build a cohesive and efficient process that responds to customer needs with agility and precision. Want to learn more? Contact the Zapier Sales team

by Zapier